Gillian Spiller
Gillian Spiller is a Scottish poet and children’s author, who has spent many years living and teaching in S-E Asia, E Asia and the Middle East. She is the author of four picture books, The Blue Sock (2019), Star Sailor (2020), On The Shelf (2021) and A Shell for Cleo (2022) by Marshall Cavendish Ltd. (Asia). Her poetry for children is available on the British Council’s Learn English Kids website, as well as here on The Dirigible Balloon.
Poems by Gillian include:
From the Bus
I wish I could go on Vacation
A Little Bit of Lion
Here Come the Lions!
If I were Spring
The Humonger
Building my Dreams
The Treasure Chest
Creatures Everywhere
Camels in Oman
Ha Noi
Fruits in Thai
Three Limericks
Banana Ambush
Storm Coming