The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Would I?

Listen to Carole ...
I cannot tell a lie.
No-one, but no-one
Is truth-fuller than I

I can’t lead you astray
I’d stammer, I’d blush
I’d give the game away

I’m such an honest soul
I’d never tell a whopper
Just to get out of a hole.

Falsehood’s not my bag
I couldn’t lie. I couldn’t,
however much you nag

I only say what’s true
You can always trust me
I’ll be straight with you

Mendacity? Not lawful
Not me. I say what’s true
That outfit looks absolutely AWFUL.

On you.

About the Writer

Carole Bromley

Carole was born in Middlesbrough in the UK and lives in York. She has had pamphlets and collections published and has also won a number of competitions, including the Bridport, the Yorkshire Open, Torbay, Poetry Space and the Bronte Society Literary Prize. Her poems for children have been published in The Caterpillar, in her collection, Blast Off! and in anthologies from MacMillan and Emma Press. She was the winner of the 2022 Caterpillar Prize. Carole will be tutoring a course on writing poems for children at the Garsdale Retreat in October 2024