Woolly Bear Caterpillar
Fuzzy, brown and black,
Bristles along my back,
I am a woolly bear caterpillar,
A teller of the upcoming winter.
Many of you rely on little old me,
For I can predict how cold it'll be.
The darker brown I am, the colder the days,
But I can survive the snow, I have my ways.
I can hide in the cosy dark, and then FREEZE,
Frozen in time, until there's a spring breeze,
When I can come back to life and live once again,
Being amongst nature, whilst avoiding the rain.
I may be small, but I don't care,
I am a proud, smart woolly bear.
A clever caterpillar,
And winter whisperer.
Bristles along my back,
I am a woolly bear caterpillar,
A teller of the upcoming winter.
Many of you rely on little old me,
For I can predict how cold it'll be.
The darker brown I am, the colder the days,
But I can survive the snow, I have my ways.
I can hide in the cosy dark, and then FREEZE,
Frozen in time, until there's a spring breeze,
When I can come back to life and live once again,
Being amongst nature, whilst avoiding the rain.
I may be small, but I don't care,
I am a proud, smart woolly bear.
A clever caterpillar,
And winter whisperer.
This poem is copyright (©) Kelly Marshall 2025

About the Writer
Kelly Marshall
Kelly works as a teaching assistant in Kent. She loves reading and writing, and when it comes to writing, she absolutely loves poetry. Showing the children at her school various books of this genre has inspired Kelly to write more poems and use poetry as means to express herself and celebrate her other passions. She enjoys sharing her poems with her family and friends, and Kelly hopes other readers will enjoy them too.