The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Winter Problem

Winter wind whirls
Through leafless trees
I’m bundled and warm
With boots to my knees

Long underwear
Bunch under my clothes
I’m wearing a sweatshirt
With Rudolph’s red nose

Over my layers
My jacket is puffed
I’ve got some warm gloves
My ears are all muffed

Now I’m all ready
To play in — uh-oh!
I need to undress!
Now I’ve got to GO!

About the Writer

Theresa Gaughan

Theresa is a third-grade teacher living in Knoxville, Tennessee. She is an avid reader and has a very extensive collection of children's books. The first poem she ever shared with others was written in fourth-grade. It was titled, I Have to Pay Attention. Her teacher asked her to make it into a poster that she later displayed in the hallway. Ms. Gaughan has no memory of the lesson that she missed while writing the poem.