The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Winter Day

Full moon sets behind scattered clouds.
Wispy, horizontal strips of fluff
backlit by the moon, in the blue black Western sky.

Abstract candelabra
snow covered, sunlit boughs reach upward
sparkling white against an azure sky.

Chevrons of Canada geese
wings creaking with each flap
in a cold blue sky
migrate each morning
to lawns and shallow ponds
laden with tasty grasses and plants.

Black-capped chickadees and sparrows flit.
Snow plops off candelabra
revealing branches of locust tree.

Late Afternoon
After gorging, chevrons of Canada geese
wings creaking in the frigid air
return to their evening resting spot before dusk.

About the Writer

Elizabeth Thoms Charles

Elizabeth is a member of SCBWI. She loves gardening, reading, writing, and walking in nature which occasionally inspires poetry. She spent part of her childhood in Arizona and currently lives in Colorado. She earned a BA in Spanish and an MLS in library science. A former public librarian, she writes poems, picture books, and mysteries.