Which Minibeast?
Which of these minibeasts do you like best?
Maybe the furry bee with her stripy vest?
Perhaps the woodlouse with his oval shell?
Do you like spotted, red ladybirds as well?
Shiny beetles, crawl through the grass,
Earwigs and millipedes move very fast,
Some of these creatures have six little legs,
And most of them grow from the tiniest eggs.
Many hatch as grubs and then they pupate,
All these small creatures really are great!
So from butterflies to ants (that live in a nest),
Which of these minibeasts do you like best?
Maybe the furry bee with her stripy vest?
Perhaps the woodlouse with his oval shell?
Do you like spotted, red ladybirds as well?
Shiny beetles, crawl through the grass,
Earwigs and millipedes move very fast,
Some of these creatures have six little legs,
And most of them grow from the tiniest eggs.
Many hatch as grubs and then they pupate,
All these small creatures really are great!
So from butterflies to ants (that live in a nest),
Which of these minibeasts do you like best?
(P.S. Only some pupate, and some have many more legs! from Fiona)
This poem is copyright (©) Fiona Halliday 2025

About the Writer
Fiona Halliday
Fiona has enjoyed and written poetry all her life. She has fond memories of family members sharing poems with her from a very early age. Fiona has taught in primary schools, across the age range, for the last twenty years and specialises in literacy. She loves language, learning and laughter. She also likes alliteration! When she isn’t teaching, reading or writing, Fiona enjoys playing the flute, spending time with her family and drinking copious amounts of tea!