The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

What Would You Do ?

Not sure why I think like this, but I just don’t know where to start
Everyone tells me that it should be bliss, but I have an uncertain heart
They tell me this, they tell me that, that’s how it ought to be
But I have my doubts, my ins and outs, maybe it’s not for me
I know I should be glad with my lot, not many that’s for sure
But the things is, the thing I’ve got, makes me feel so safe and sure.
But what would you do, what could you do, what would you really care
If the thing they really wanted, was to take away your teddy bear.

About the Writer

Kenny Davitt

Kenny has worked with children and played with words for more years than he cares to remember. An avid book collector and lover of children’s fiction, he now volunteers in a school, helping to spread the love of reading.