The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Waltz of the Winter Aconites

Listen to Fliss ...
Would you like to go wandering down in the woods
where there’s shelter from February breeze,
in the hedgehog and badger and bird neighbourhoods,
and among all the Winter-bare trees?

Pack a picnic, perhaps, with a flask for some soup,
and start out to the ash-and-oak grove;
we shall meet you here, mingling in glad golden group,
freshly sprung from the earth’s treasure trove.

Please don’t sit on us, pick us or eat us all up –
though we’re pretty, we’re poisonous too!
Simply smile at us, shining like stars, while you sup,
before Spring sounds her bells in bright blue.

About the Writer

Felicity Teague

Felicity Teague (Fliss for short) lives in Cheltenham, not far from Pittville Park and its wonderful wildlife. She has a very serious job in publishing and enjoys writing poems during her playtime. Her poetry has appeared in a number of journals and two years ago she published a first collection, From Pittville to Paradise. Her second collection is due out next year. She also enjoys art, birdwatching, films, music, and photography.