The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Waiting for Christmas Day is No Fun

There should be snow but there isn’t,
there should be a much taller tree,
there should be a bigger stocking
for the brother who’s biggest – that’s me!

There should be chocolate money,
there should be presents arriving,
there should be tinsel and glitter
and a sleigh that Santa is driving.

There should be a fire and a chimney,
wine and biscuits laid out on the floor,
there should be excitement at bedtime –
soon Santa will come through the door!

But so far there’s only been shouting,
lots of crossness and tantrums and tears.
I’m worried that Christmas won’t be what it should –
all I’m doing is sharing my fears.

It’s all really close now, I’m tucked up in bed
I’m trying so hard not to sleep.
I’m dozy and snoozy, I’m feeling quite woozy
I’m falling down, down in the deep.

What now?.....It’s morning! The curtains are open
and guess who’s been here in the night?
It’s all SO exciting, JUST what I’d hoped for

I think it will turn out all right!

About the Writer

Barbara Bleiman

Barbara is an ex-English teacher and writer of adult and YA fiction, with two novels published and a recent collection of short stories for adults, Kremlinology of Kisses. Barbara has an anthology of short stories for secondary school students coming out in the autumn via the English and Media Centre where she works.