The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children


Listen to Rhiannon reading her poem ...
My pencils are sharpened and ready to write,
My polished shoes glint in the soft evening light,
My coat’s on the hook, my bag’s by the door,
I’m not sure I can wait any more.

My book bag is tidy, the books have been read,
My sandwiches cut from a fresh loaf of bread,
My uniform fits me and sits in the drawer,
I’m not sure I can wait any more.

My toenails are trimmed, my face is scrubbed clean,
My hair bounces about with a freshly washed sheen,
Everything’s ready, I’ve done all my chores,
I’m not sure I can wait any more.

My bottle is filled and waits in the fridge,
I’m not feeling nervous, well, maybe a smidge,
But I’ve talked to my nerves, gave them what for,
And soon, I won’t have to wait any more.

My friends are all ready, my teacher is too,
Just one sleep until we head back to school!
There’s nothing that I could be more ready for,
And, tomorrow we won’t have to wait any more.

About the Writer

Rhiannon Oliver

Rhiannon is an actress, poet, workshop facilitator and playgroup leader based in Cardiff. She started writing for children in 2021 and has been published in The Caterpillar, Tyger Tyger, The Toy, The Dirigible Balloon, Northern Gravy, Paperbound, Little Thoughts Press, Parakeet, Buzgaga, and Launchpad (Australia). She has publications forthcoming in multiple anthologies. She has also written and created performance videos for The Big Welsh Rhyme Time (Book Trust Cymru) and her poetry has appeared on TV (Only Boys Aloud Christmas Concert, S4C). She is part of Literature Wales' Representing Wales 2023 scheme and is currently developing her first collection for children which explores Mental Health and Well-being.