The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Travel Gems

Listen to Kay's poem ...
Whenever you start a journey,
You can be sure you carry precious traveller's stones
They are the shining gems called moonstones.
As they illuminate all darkness and each undisturbed new pathway,
World and watery wonders of waterfalls, streams, and springs
Are navigated by you with care and awe as you travel upon the world's waters.
You keep with you close by your rainbow moonstone and a pearly jewelled glow.

I will climb the spiralling staircase to the Notre Dame Cathedral towers in Paris.
I will hear the bells of Notre Dame ring.
I will practise French words and phrases with summertime songs in the gift shops in Boulogne-sur-Mer.

I will stroll along with Toronto's shopping malls and streets
In Canada, I will window shop with friends
Viewing billboards, adverts and signs.
We will take our photos of the CN Tower.

But before I begin my new poem, I will gather all my moonstone gems
For they can be my perfect travelling companion close at hand.

About the Writer

Kay Medway

Kay works full-time in libraries and enjoys both reading and writing poetry in all of her free time. She has had poetry featured in a positive news local community zine called The Happy Hood. Kay has also written poetry regarding her family history stories for 60 Miles by Road or Rail in her local community.