The air has mistaken humans
for emperor penguins,
the sky is trying on icebergs
for size,
the wind is playing soccer
with some leaves,
the sun is on holiday—
the fireplace is shuttling my brain
elsewhere, too.
Maybe tomorrow,
the sun and my thoughts
will catch the bus home.
for emperor penguins,
the sky is trying on icebergs
for size,
the wind is playing soccer
with some leaves,
the sun is on holiday—
the fireplace is shuttling my brain
elsewhere, too.
Maybe tomorrow,
the sun and my thoughts
will catch the bus home.
This poem is copyright (©) Linda Kohler 2025
About the Writer
Linda Kohler
Linda lives in South Australia on Kaurna land. Her writing appears in Bracken Magazine, Balloons Lit. Journal, Highlights Hello, The School Magazine, the Wakefield Press poetry anthology, Tadpoles in the Torrens (& Teachers' Edition), and elsewhere. She is a mother and former teacher who likes cacao, words and birds.