The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Three Critter Limericks

My turtle is really quite happy
He jokes in a voice that is yappy
He looks very well
Inside of his shell
But when he is out – oh, he’s snappy!


A gecko named Gary was gawking
At cute goslings as they were squawking
He hid in a rug
And gobbled a bug
Then slithered uphill without balking!


There was a young horsey named Maisie
Who loved being coddled and lazy
No “neigh”-sayer she
To cups of hay tea
Topped off with mint leaves and a daisy!

About the Writer

Amy Losak

Amy is a published and award-winning poet specializing in the short forms, haiku and senryu. She was influenced by her late mother, Sydell Rosenberg, a charter member of the Haiku Society of America in 1968. In 2018, Sydell’s H IS FOR HAIKU, was released to acclaim published by Penny Candy Books with Sawsan Chalabi providing wonderful illustrations and Amy writing the introduction.