There’s A Witch Made Of Pudding
there’s a witch made of pudding
with sultanas on her nose
all wobbly and wibbly
from hat down to toes
she riles and she wriggles
and wobbles while walking
chuckles and giggles
even when talking
her arms are of sponge
her bottom meringue
her fingers are biscuit
and so is her tongue
there’s cream in her ears
and custard for blood
the day she fell over
was a big sloppy thud
there’s a witch made of pudding
of pudding beware
she’s sticky and gooey
so pass her with care
with sultanas on her nose
all wobbly and wibbly
from hat down to toes
she riles and she wriggles
and wobbles while walking
chuckles and giggles
even when talking
her arms are of sponge
her bottom meringue
her fingers are biscuit
and so is her tongue
there’s cream in her ears
and custard for blood
the day she fell over
was a big sloppy thud
there’s a witch made of pudding
of pudding beware
she’s sticky and gooey
so pass her with care
This poem is copyright (©) Clive Culverhouse 2025

About the Writer
Clive Culverhouse
Clive has been writing poems for a number of years after a career as a paramedic. He has had a poem published in Popshot Magazine and has reached the long list in The Plough Prize for Poetry. Clive lives in the rural county of Lincolnshire with his wife and family.