The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

The Sunshine Box

Today I’m packing a box
with all my care and love,
lined with a cosy scarf,
snug hat and matching gloves.
There’s toothpaste and a toothbrush,
bright bobbles and a comb,
easily taken for granted
by me in my safe home.
I’m filling it to the brim
with bright rainbows and love hearts,
popping in pencil and pad,
bits and bobs for restful art.
There are soup sachets, sweets and treats
to widen the smallest eyes
and the softest pair of socks
the colour of orange sunrise.
I’m sprinkling silver stardust,
warm wishes and hugs of hope.
In hop smiley face stickers,
soft flannel, shampoo and soap.
I’m popping in this heartfelt poem
and my shell with the soothing song
for you to hear the peace I hear 
to shoo away all that’s wrong.
Finally, my favourite gift,
a friendly yo-yo, flashing lights,
all sunshine smiley and cheery
to scare away your growling nights.

We take it to the depot
all wrapped in gold and green,
thinking of the flashing yo-yo 
how far its lights could be seen.
There’s a towering wall of love
in this enormous box embrace,
to glow around the globe
and be spotted from outer space!

The boxes are on their way now
over many miles, miles and miles.
And can you warmly imagine
those shiny smiles, smiles and smiles?

About the Writer

Linda Middleton

Linda lives in the south east of England and enjoys writing and performing poetry for children. Her work has appeared in anthologies and various print magazines and online journals. You can find some of her poems at The Caterpillar, Little Thoughts Press, Northern Gravy and Candlestick Press. In her spare time, she can be found walking through her local woods and watching wildlife.