The Sounds of Fall
A cool breeze wooshes by my ear.
“Summer is over,” it whispers.
Leaves fall and gather in piles,
Crunching under my feet.
A bonfire snaps and sparks
On a chilly autumn night.
School bells ring in welcome
As students return to school.
My lazy dog curls up and sighs
In front of our crackling fire.
A cold wind howls in my ear.
“Winter is near,” it warns.
“Summer is over,” it whispers.
Leaves fall and gather in piles,
Crunching under my feet.
A bonfire snaps and sparks
On a chilly autumn night.
School bells ring in welcome
As students return to school.
My lazy dog curls up and sighs
In front of our crackling fire.
A cold wind howls in my ear.
“Winter is near,” it warns.
This poem is copyright (©) Theresa Gaughan 2025

About the Writer
Theresa Gaughan
Theresa is a third-grade teacher living in Knoxville, Tennessee. She is an avid reader and has a very extensive collection of children's books. The first poem she ever shared with others was written in fourth-grade. It was titled, I Have to Pay Attention. Her teacher asked her to make it into a poster that she later displayed in the hallway. Ms. Gaughan has no memory of the lesson that she missed while writing the poem.