The Smoorsgord Beast
the snoring of a smoorsgord beast
is louder than a drunken feast
he flaps his lips like shivering cold
his nostrils wide like rabbit holes
his mouth can fit whole blocks of cheese
with teeth that rattle like windblown trees
it doesn’t help he sleeps so long
do smoorsgords sing their snoring song?
so brrrr and fbbb then hhaw and kkaw
o, nothing stops a smoorsgord snore
is louder than a drunken feast
he flaps his lips like shivering cold
his nostrils wide like rabbit holes
his mouth can fit whole blocks of cheese
with teeth that rattle like windblown trees
it doesn’t help he sleeps so long
do smoorsgords sing their snoring song?
so brrrr and fbbb then hhaw and kkaw
o, nothing stops a smoorsgord snore
This poem is copyright (©) Clive Culverhouse 2025

About the Writer
Clive Culverhouse
Clive has been writing poems for a number of years after a career as a paramedic. He has had a poem published in Popshot Magazine and has reached the long list in The Plough Prize for Poetry. Clive lives in the rural county of Lincolnshire with his wife and family.