The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

The Pebble On The Beach

You may not notice me sitting here
on a beach where children play,
A mere pebble amongst many others,
Small, round and grey.

I emerged at the dawn of time.
Epochs have passed before my eyes.
I was once part of a huge block of stone,
but the wind and rain chipped me to this size.

I have journeyed to far off places,
a passenger swept up in the flowing tides,
of this vast blue ocean that laps besides here,
taking me with it, on adventurous rides.

I have been washed up by a jetty,
watched boats and ships sail out to sea,
Enjoyed the company of noisy seagulls,
pecking at snacks left on rocks next to me.

I have basked in sun-kissed lands,
where on golden sand, palm trees grow.
I have visited the frozen north,
shivered in lands of ice and snow.

I have skimmed over coral reefs and
seen marine life milling about on the ocean’s floor.
I have marveled at the bronzed surfers
riding foam-crested waves onto the shore.

I have glimpsed empty wrecks,
which travelled the waters long ago.
Now they lie broken and mournful
in the still, silent depths below.

So next time, instead of strolling by me -
pick me up from the sand,
and imagine the memories etched in me.
as you, hold me tightly in your hand.

About the Writer

Philippa Rae

Philippa enjoys writing poetry and short stories for children. A published author of four books, she has also had work featured in The School Magazine, High Five, The Short Edition, Kidscene, Stinkwaves, Storytime, Bumples and The Caterpillar. She's also had work featured in various anthologies such as Words and Other Wild Things and Hipp-O-Dee-Doo-Dah.