The Nest
The mom lays eggs; they’re called a clutch.
She sits on them with her light touch.
This keeps them safe and dry and warm
through wind or rain or thunderstorm.
When predators try to attack
she scolds and swoops and shoos them back!
Inside each egg, a chick will scratch
and crack its shell - it’s time to hatch!
Out pops a chick who’s broken through,
so small and helpless when it’s new.
The parents feed their nestling brood
with insects, worms, and yummy food!
The chicks grow strong and learn to fly,
and soon it’s time to say goodbye!
They sing and soar and swoop and climb
through summer, fall, and wintertime.
It’s spring again, the chicks are grown;
and now they build nests of their own.
She sits on them with her light touch.
This keeps them safe and dry and warm
through wind or rain or thunderstorm.
When predators try to attack
she scolds and swoops and shoos them back!
Inside each egg, a chick will scratch
and crack its shell - it’s time to hatch!
Out pops a chick who’s broken through,
so small and helpless when it’s new.
The parents feed their nestling brood
with insects, worms, and yummy food!
The chicks grow strong and learn to fly,
and soon it’s time to say goodbye!
They sing and soar and swoop and climb
through summer, fall, and wintertime.
It’s spring again, the chicks are grown;
and now they build nests of their own.
This poem is copyright (©) Carrie Maslen 2025

About the Writer
Carrie Maslen
For over 30 years, Carrie's professional responsibilities included technical and commercial writing at Samsung, SAP, and Hewlett Packard. As a mechanical engineering graduate, she's long been a STEM advocate; and hopes to nurture the love of nature and reading in children through her writing.