The Invitation
The world invites me to its door each day.
It’s written in the light that I receive.
I know that I must answer right away,
for in its glow is all that I believe.
The invitation states the time and place,
requesting that I only need respond.
“Feel free to bring a guest. There’s lots of space.
And stay all day, a lifetime and beyond.”
Each day without delay and without fail,
it’s always there and always will arrive.
For overnight it travels in the mail.
And when I wake, I’m glad to be alive.
Inside I find a card for my reply.
I answer yes to water, air, and sky.
It’s written in the light that I receive.
I know that I must answer right away,
for in its glow is all that I believe.
The invitation states the time and place,
requesting that I only need respond.
“Feel free to bring a guest. There’s lots of space.
And stay all day, a lifetime and beyond.”
Each day without delay and without fail,
it’s always there and always will arrive.
For overnight it travels in the mail.
And when I wake, I’m glad to be alive.
Inside I find a card for my reply.
I answer yes to water, air, and sky.
This poem is copyright (©) Alan M Sugar 2025

About the Writer
Alan M Sugar
Alan shares his poetry in Decatur, Georgia where he currently resides. Now retired from teaching special needs children in the public schools of Atlanta, he works as a writing tutor at Perimeter College of Georgia State University. Alan writes many poems, and you can find some of them in the Atlanta Review, The Jewish Literary Journal, The Lyric, The Ekphrastic Review, The Awakenings Review, RFD and … the Dirigible Balloon.