The Grass is Greener
The grass is always greener on the other side.
So they say.
Well, it is, and it isn’t.
The grass this side is as green as emeralds!
Mum never has to cut it.
The grass next door is wild like a jungle!
There are patches of mud
where Arthur plays, in his wellies.
The grass this side never gets weeds
or seeds that take root.
The grass next door is full of them,
great waving yellow ones
that Arthur picks to shine on his chin.
The grass this side never has creepy crawlies
or bees that sting.
The grass next door is alive with bugs
and chalky blue butterflies
that Arthur counts in the spring.
The grass this side, is good for football
with friends.
The grass next door is alive with friends
watching a sloe worm
that Arthur has found.
I’m going to the other side.
So they say.
Well, it is, and it isn’t.
The grass this side is as green as emeralds!
Mum never has to cut it.
The grass next door is wild like a jungle!
There are patches of mud
where Arthur plays, in his wellies.
The grass this side never gets weeds
or seeds that take root.
The grass next door is full of them,
great waving yellow ones
that Arthur picks to shine on his chin.
The grass this side never has creepy crawlies
or bees that sting.
The grass next door is alive with bugs
and chalky blue butterflies
that Arthur counts in the spring.
The grass this side, is good for football
with friends.
The grass next door is alive with friends
watching a sloe worm
that Arthur has found.
I’m going to the other side.
This poem is copyright (©) Rachel Burrows 2025

About the Writer
Rachel Burrows
Rachel is a mum and a teacher, but also a noticer of things. She loves standing still and absorbing - taking in the sounds, smells and secrets of our world. She has travelled far and is frequently found in pea-patches.