The Fairy by the Lake
I thought I saw a fairy
On the hillside by the lake,
I hid behind the willow tree
To see which path she’d take.
She must have cast a spell on me,
And one I could not shake,
For underneath the willow boughs
I slept and did not wake
Until the evening shadows spread
Across the reedy lake.
So then I rose and hurried home
But felt a burning ache
To see again the fairy
On the hillside by the lake.
For many weeks I wandered there;
I hunted without break,
Yet ever she eluded me,
Whichever turn I’d take.
I never told a single soul
For fear they’d think her fake,
But I know I saw a fairy
On the hillside by the lake.
On the hillside by the lake,
I hid behind the willow tree
To see which path she’d take.
She must have cast a spell on me,
And one I could not shake,
For underneath the willow boughs
I slept and did not wake
Until the evening shadows spread
Across the reedy lake.
So then I rose and hurried home
But felt a burning ache
To see again the fairy
On the hillside by the lake.
For many weeks I wandered there;
I hunted without break,
Yet ever she eluded me,
Whichever turn I’d take.
I never told a single soul
For fear they’d think her fake,
But I know I saw a fairy
On the hillside by the lake.
This poem is copyright (©) Sandra Issa 2025

About the Writer
Sandra Issa
Sandra has pursued her love of language through degrees in English, Linguistics, and ESL and has spent many years teaching reading and writing. Her first love, however, has always been writing rhyming children’s poems. She usually writes her poems in her head as she walks across fields and along wooded paths. This is her first foray into publishing.