The Cyclone Kid
Faster than a rocket,
or a speeding bullet train,
the Cyclone Kid streaks down the street
then whizzes back again.
His legs are pounding pistons,
his feet just fly away
as he whooshes wildly up and down
his personal speedway.
There seems no way to stop him,
but there’s one thing you can do:
just shout out loud ‘chocolate cake’
and he’ll race right up to you.
or a speeding bullet train,
the Cyclone Kid streaks down the street
then whizzes back again.
His legs are pounding pistons,
his feet just fly away
as he whooshes wildly up and down
his personal speedway.
There seems no way to stop him,
but there’s one thing you can do:
just shout out loud ‘chocolate cake’
and he’ll race right up to you.
This poem is copyright (©) Graham Seal 2025

About the Writer
Graham Seal
Once upon a time Graham Seal won the high school poetry prize – probably because he had more poems in the school magazine than anyone else. Since then he’s continued writing books, articles, songs and poems, many published, many yet to be.