The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

The Castle

This grand castle was built to
her majesty’s exacting orders.
It includes a spacious royal suite
and many servants quarters,
a portcullis and a drawbridge
and a moat filled with murky water.
Seven towers were built
one for each of the royal daughters.
And a great magnificent hall
And a keep and carriage house too.
The walls are topped with battlements
and are tall and thick and true.
It was built by the greatest architect
her majesty could possibly summon.
And would have stood for centuries ...
If the tide just hadn’t come in.
Picture copyright (©) Corey McCarty 2024
Picture copyright (©) Corey McCarty 2024

About the Writer

Corey McCarty

Corey is an author / illustrator from eastern Pennsylvania in the U.S. He's worked 20 years as a web designer, graphic designer and illustrator.