The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

That’s Just What Passes for Fun Around Here

Monday we were in the park
Stayed there until nearly dark
I showed the gang my kung-fu skills
(Reckon I gave them all the chills)
And I promise you now I ain’t taken no classes –
That’s just what passes for fun around here

Music lesson Tuesday morn’
Teacher hands me a French horn
Says, Show me what you can do
So I play him something cool and new
And I’m telling you now I know ZILCH about brasses –
That’s just what passes for fun around here

School on Wednesday at first break
A final shot I HAD to make
The scores were tied at 7-all
Then past Jack Jones I slammed the ball
And I swear I was not even wearing my glasses –
That’s just what passes for fun around here

Lunch on Thursday’s always bad
A tuna sandwich made by dad
So I put the word out on the streets
Then exchanged with Kai for a pack of sweets
And I’m sure you’re aware I don’t care what my pa says –
That’s just what passes for fun around here

Friday evening at the shop
When I just want to game then flop
A deal on teabags draws mum’s sight
So I slyly swap brown bread for white
And mind you don’t tell ‘cause we don’t like no grasses –
That’s just what passes for fun around here

About the Writer

Ian Brownlie

Ian lives with his family in Marlow, Bucks (UK). His prospective middle grade novel, Solomon Brown from Hero Town, was longlisted for the Times/Chicken House Children's Fiction Competition. His poems have been published in The Dirigible Balloon and The Toy. BlueSky: TikTok: