That Place
The brand-new school upon the hill
had lots and lots of space to fill.
A classroom here, another there,
buildings, buildings everywhere.
But kids had nowhere they could go
to skip and jump and catch and throw.
So they ran into the lanes
to laugh and play their favourite games.
They could hide and seek and chase and yell,
maybe cut their knees whenever they fell -
in their own place,
that space in the street,
where the world
and childhood meet.
had lots and lots of space to fill.
A classroom here, another there,
buildings, buildings everywhere.
But kids had nowhere they could go
to skip and jump and catch and throw.
So they ran into the lanes
to laugh and play their favourite games.
They could hide and seek and chase and yell,
maybe cut their knees whenever they fell -
in their own place,
that space in the street,
where the world
and childhood meet.
This poem is copyright (©) Graham Seal 2025

About the Writer
Graham Seal
Once upon a time Graham Seal won the high school poetry prize – probably because he had more poems in the school magazine than anyone else. Since then he’s continued writing books, articles, songs and poems, many published, many yet to be.