Some Sleds
Some sleds slide, other sleds—skiddd.
Some sleds are sleek, mine’s a trash can lid.
Some slopes guide you to a slow, gentle stop.
But this slope—nope!—it’s a perilous drop!
Some sleds settle into soft, snowy fluff
while my sled crashes in a powdery PUFF!
Some sledders quit and ditch their sled.
But others, like me, keep pressing ahead:
I climb back up to the top of the hill
dragging my sled, braving the chill,
and boldly I face the slippery snow,
and trying again, boldly I go.
Some sleds are sleek, mine’s a trash can lid.
Some slopes guide you to a slow, gentle stop.
But this slope—nope!—it’s a perilous drop!
Some sleds settle into soft, snowy fluff
while my sled crashes in a powdery PUFF!
Some sledders quit and ditch their sled.
But others, like me, keep pressing ahead:
I climb back up to the top of the hill
dragging my sled, braving the chill,
and boldly I face the slippery snow,
and trying again, boldly I go.
This poem is copyright (©) Stefan Karlsson 2025

About the Writer
Stefan Karlsson
Stefan is a poet and artist based in Portland, Oregon. He received his MFA in Poetry from the University of California-Irvine. His poems (for children) have appeared in The Dirigible Balloon, Paddler Press, Little Thoughts Press, and Tyger Tyger Magazine. His paper marbling artwork can be found on Instagram @nautiluspaper, and his poetry for kids can be found on Twitter @stefkidlit and on YouTube @StefanKidsPoetry.