The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children


My Grandma and Grandpa are snowbirds.
You have to look hard for their wings.
When dry autumn leaves begin falling
they gather up all of their things.

Grandma is molting her sweaters,
new plumage will add southern flair.
My Grandpa won’t spend his time preening,
“Old feathers are just fine to wear!”

They say extra pie at Thanksgiving,
is fuel to prepare for their flight.
They have to take off in the morning,
cause Grandpa can’t see well at night.

They’ll stay near a flock, east of Tampa,
till spring, when they migrate back north.
At eighty, it must be exhausting,
flip-flapping your wings back and forth.

About the Writer

Cathy Stenquist

Cathy Stenquist – author and poet, discovers seeds of inspiration from; hikes out in nature, her voracious love of reading, creating collage from recycled materials, and from the many funny and tender moments with her grandchildren. The seeds are stored in a special file and then planted one by one. Many have sprouted into stories and poems that she continues to nurture- watering and pruning them till they blossom. Being a word gardener is one of Cathy’s greatest joys.