The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Snow has fallen in the night

Are you the one -
who pulls the covers tight and says,
No way, I am not going out
in that cold sludgy stuff today
’ ?

Are you the one -
who can’t get dressed quite fast enough,
runs outside for a snowball fight
and does not mind if it gets rough?

Are you the one -
who rushes to find your red sleigh
and whooshes squealing, down the slope
your puppy barking in the spray?

Are you the one -
who gives the rabbits extra hay
and asks your Mum to check on Gran,
Does she need anything today?

Are you the one -
who loves the magic of it all
Sits watching through the windowpane
to follow each flakes floating fall.

About the Writer

Louise Crosby

Louise is an illustrator, poet and retired teacher who lives in West Yorkshire She enjoys playing with words and images and often illustrates poems as comics and has designed poetry book & magazine covers. She has poems published in anthologies including Under the Radar 29, (Nine Arches Press) and for children, Dragons of the Prime: Poems about Dinosaurs (The Emma Press), Tyger Tyger 3 and Toy 3 (The Toy Press).