Dad’s snore sounds like a whale
riding a puddle in a cave,
like sixty bees trapped inside a sock
like seagulls circling inside a prayer hat
like the sound of a trumpet
releasing elephant burps in a church,
like a rhinoceros filling your bath
with sloppy mud
like a tiger singing a lullaby to a baby.
riding a puddle in a cave,
like sixty bees trapped inside a sock
like seagulls circling inside a prayer hat
like the sound of a trumpet
releasing elephant burps in a church,
like a rhinoceros filling your bath
with sloppy mud
like a tiger singing a lullaby to a baby.
This poem is copyright (©) Julie Stevens 2025

About the Writer
Julie Stevens
Julie Stevens writes poems for both adults and children. She covers many themes, but often engages with the problems of disability. Her children’s poems have been published in many places including Paper Lanterns, The Toy, Tyger Tyger, The Dirigible Balloon and in anthologies. She has four published adult pamphlets.