Simply Wild
On a wild night
a wild wind
lifts a wild kite
a wild kite
takes a wild mouse
a wild mouse
cavorts a wild path
a wild path
leads a wild way
a wild way
trails in wild berries
wild berries
reflect a wild moon
a wild moon
lights a wild night
simply wild!
a wild wind
lifts a wild kite
a wild kite
takes a wild mouse
a wild mouse
cavorts a wild path
a wild path
leads a wild way
a wild way
trails in wild berries
wild berries
reflect a wild moon
a wild moon
lights a wild night
simply wild!
This poem is copyright (©) Melinda Szymanik 2025

About the Writer
Melinda Szymanik
Melinda is an award-winning New Zealand author of picture books, short stories and novels for children and young adults. Notable titles include The Were-Nana (Scholastic, 2008) winner of Children’s Choice at the 2009 NZ Post Children’s Book Awards, A Winter’s Day in 1939 (Scholastic, 2013) winner of Librarian’s Choice at the 2014 LIANZA Awards, and Fuzzy Doodle (Scholastic, 2016) a 2017 White Raven selection. She also writes poetry for adults and children, and regularly teaches creative writing.