The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Sigh Away Day

As evening comes draped
In soft twilight shade,
As bright-coloured day
Starts gently to fade,
I take a deep breath
And let out a sigh;
And if I start yawning,
It’s no wonder why.

This day has been filled
With new thoughts to find,
With feelings as well;
So now at bedtime
I let it all go,
I release the day
To sleep sound and soft.
Sigh away, sigh away.

However I feel
In body or mind,
Whatever I’ve done,
Right now I’ll be kind.
I’ll take a deep breath.
From my heart I’ll say
I’m safe and I’m loved.
Sigh away, sigh away.

A sigh can be soft
As a brown moth’s wing.
A sigh can make sounds;
It might even sing.
With sighs and with yawns
I release the day
And welcome the night.
Sigh away, sigh away.

About the Writer

Liz Kendall

Liz Kendall writes poetry for adults and children. Her co-authored hardback Meet Us and Eat Us: Food plants from around the world celebrates biodiversity in poetry, prose, and fine art photography. Publications include Candlestick Press, The Hedgehog Poetry Press, Flights, Allegro, The Dirigible Balloon, Thimble Lit Mag, Amethyst Review and Lighten Up Online. Find her online at, @rowansarered on Twitter/Facebook.