The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children


In the bath I’m…

A mermaid murmuring indistinct melodies
A floating fish with fins aflutter
A shark sliding slick through seaweed thick
An elegant eel heading upriver
A leaf afloat like a thin green boat
A silent submarine too deep to be seen

In the shower I’m…

A rock rammed to rubble by the weight of a waterfall
A burning house being thoroughly doused
A hardy explorer caught in a hailstorm
A towering tree in a massive monsoon
A grubby Porsche in a churning carwash
An upright umbrella under a spouting sky

About the Writer

Annelies Judson

Annelies hails from Aotearoa New Zealand. She likes cooking, cricket, and her kids (not in that order). This year she won a kids’ poetry competition, and it made her want to call herself a writer. When she grows up, she'd quite like to be a dancer or a children’s entertainer.