Jumble up the white and yellow,
green and orange, red and blue.
Twist until the tiles are tangled.
Can you solve the bibRuck ’sue?
Inspection time: survey the sides.
This tricky transformation task
takes systematic thought and planning.
Start to solve the Rubbie cu’sk!
Find the edges; match the middles.
Skip a step with any luck.
R U good at algorithms?
You can solve the Rubike’s buc!
Now to place the final pieces.
Fix the corners to conclude
this complicated rainbow riddle.
You have solved the Rubik’s cube!
green and orange, red and blue.
Twist until the tiles are tangled.
Can you solve the bibRuck ’sue?
Inspection time: survey the sides.
This tricky transformation task
takes systematic thought and planning.
Start to solve the Rubbie cu’sk!
Find the edges; match the middles.
Skip a step with any luck.
R U good at algorithms?
You can solve the Rubike’s buc!
Now to place the final pieces.
Fix the corners to conclude
this complicated rainbow riddle.
You have solved the Rubik’s cube!
This poem is copyright (©) Rebecca Loveday 2025

About the Writer
Rebecca Loveday
Rebecca is an emerging children’s poet from Portsmouth, England. She loves writing in rhyme and storytelling through poetry. Rebecca also works in a nursery where she supports children with additional needs. She lives by the sea in a house filled with interestingly-shaped pebbles and too many notebooks.