The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Santa's Gingerbread House

Somewhere in the North Pole,
Hidden and discreet,
Is a special place where Santa's elves,
Have built something magical and sweet.

So if you tiptoe carefully,
And be as quiet as a mouse,
Come along with me to explore,
Santa's secret gingerbread house.

Let's walk down the fudge paved path,
Through the garden of marshmallow s'mores,
Turn the sugary gumdrop handle,
And step through the toffee doors.

The walls are made of gingerbread,
With royal icing used as glue,
To stick all of the sides together,
And it sticks on the rooftop too.

The floors are bars of chocolate,
With old-fashioned mint humbugs,
The windows are frosted sugar glass,
And giant pancakes are the rugs.

Candy cane frames hold photos,
Of Santa and Mrs. Claus,
And there's a soft cinnabun bed,
Where Santa sleeps and snores.

To avoid going on the naughty list,
Don't nibble the sweet crunchy wall,
We must show a bit of self control,
And not be tempted to eat it all!

About the Writer

Jacoby Crane

Jacoby is an eccentric artist living in Derbyshire. They spend their time baking, making peculiar things, doodling doodles and writing oddities, currently they're focusing on poetry, haiku and short stories. Jacoby's inspiration mostly comes from their unusual dreams and the weirdly wonderful things their kids quote, but their muse comes in the form of Chris Riddell.