Sandy Secret
I really love playing
with sand at the shore.
There isn’t a toy
or a game I love more.
When Mom says, “We’re leaving!
Remove every grain!”
She guesses I’ll grumble,
but I don’t complain.
I shake out my towel
and rinse all my toes.
For I have a secret
that nobody knows.
Kept safe in my pocket
(that’s deep like a crater)
are handfuls of sand
I am saving for later.
with sand at the shore.
There isn’t a toy
or a game I love more.
When Mom says, “We’re leaving!
Remove every grain!”
She guesses I’ll grumble,
but I don’t complain.
I shake out my towel
and rinse all my toes.
For I have a secret
that nobody knows.
Kept safe in my pocket
(that’s deep like a crater)
are handfuls of sand
I am saving for later.
This poem is copyright (©) Daniella Kaufman 2025

About the Writer
Daniella Kaufman
Daniella is a former ELA teacher and curriculum specialist who now uses her love for words and extensive pen collection to write for children. She has work forthcoming in Highlights High Five magazine. When not penning poems, Daniella also dabbles in digital art, calligraphy, and repairing paper airplanes. She lives with three aerospace engineers (i.e. her husband and two children) in sunny Arizona.