The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Ruckus on the Bus

What is all the ruckus? What is all the fuss?
Who let a Beeble on the Booble bus?

The Beeble folk are dirty
The Beeble folk are wild
They clean their ears with daffodils
And keep their teeth unfiled.

What is all the ruckus? What is all the fuss?
Who let a Booble on the Beeble Bus?

The Booble folk are nasty
The Booble folk are rough
They clean their ears with dandelions
And let their horns grow tough.

What is all ruckus? What is all the fuss?
Why are you complaining
about who is on the bus?

Beeble folk love chatting,
Boobles love to talk
Clean your ears and listen now -
Or just get off and walk!

What is all the ruckus? What is all the fuss?
It’s happy conversation
On the BeebleBooble bus.

About the Writer

Rachel Burrows

Rachel is a mum and a teacher, but also a noticer of things. She loves standing still and absorbing - taking in the sounds, smells and secrets of our world. She has travelled far and is frequently found in pea-patches.