Rock Trio
Ciao, all! I’m Gabbro and I’m igneous. The fiery type!
I formed from mafic magma, hot as Satan’s own puff-pipe!
With other rocks around me, I cooled slowly. We were snug!
A group of grey guys gathered in a hot humongous hug.
Hola! I am Coquina. I’m a sedimentary sort.
I’m made of shells. I love the beach. I’m not so fond of sport!
For many years, I braved the waves and sailed the swirling seas.
Now I can sunbathe with my friends, enjoy a life of ease.
Ah, Guten Tag. I’m Augen gneiss! A metamorphic make.
My name means ‘eyes’. I seem to stare. I’m always wide awake!
My birth involved high heat and pressure, two great strengths combined,
to merge some granite and some feldspar. Now, let’s rock! Let’s grind!
I formed from mafic magma, hot as Satan’s own puff-pipe!
With other rocks around me, I cooled slowly. We were snug!
A group of grey guys gathered in a hot humongous hug.
Hola! I am Coquina. I’m a sedimentary sort.
I’m made of shells. I love the beach. I’m not so fond of sport!
For many years, I braved the waves and sailed the swirling seas.
Now I can sunbathe with my friends, enjoy a life of ease.
Ah, Guten Tag. I’m Augen gneiss! A metamorphic make.
My name means ‘eyes’. I seem to stare. I’m always wide awake!
My birth involved high heat and pressure, two great strengths combined,
to merge some granite and some feldspar. Now, let’s rock! Let’s grind!
This poem is copyright (©) Felicity Teague 2025

About the Writer
Felicity Teague
Felicity Teague (Fliss for short) lives in Cheltenham, not far from Pittville Park and its wonderful wildlife. She has a very serious job in publishing and enjoys writing poems during her playtime. Her poetry has appeared in a number of journals and two years ago she published a first collection, From Pittville to Paradise. Her second collection is due out next year. She also enjoys art, birdwatching, films, music, and photography.