Red Fox
Youthful, blonde, red fox with white tipped tail and ears
startled, jumps from the fence into the neighbor’s yard.
Delightful to see after
years of mange and decimation
to the fox population.
Rabbits beware!
Youthful, blonde, red fox with white tipped tail and ears
startled, jumps from the fence into the neighbor’s yard.
Delightful to see after
years of mange and decimation
to the fox population.
Rabbits beware!
This poem is copyright (©) Elizabeth Thoms Charles 2025

About the Writer
Elizabeth Thoms Charles
Elizabeth is a member of SCBWI. She loves gardening, reading, writing, and walking in nature which occasionally inspires poetry. She spent part of her childhood in Arizona and currently lives in Colorado. She earned a BA in Spanish and an MLS in library science. A former public librarian, she writes poems, picture books, and mysteries.