Postcard Home
Black and white dives,
house martins arrive
with monochrome loops and swoops
and hearts spinning like hoops.
Crested cloud surfing,
lightning speed swerving,
each interlacing flyby
stitching a patchwork of sky.
Deep blue swimming,
treetop skimming,
braiding sunset ribbons in teams,
swirling through satsuma streams.
Joy fizzing, wing whizzing,
dreamy skies to roam.
Flit-flittery, chit-chittery,
singing a postcard home:
‘Summer is a helter-skelter ride
and the ocean sky a giant slide …’
house martins arrive
with monochrome loops and swoops
and hearts spinning like hoops.
Crested cloud surfing,
lightning speed swerving,
each interlacing flyby
stitching a patchwork of sky.
Deep blue swimming,
treetop skimming,
braiding sunset ribbons in teams,
swirling through satsuma streams.
Joy fizzing, wing whizzing,
dreamy skies to roam.
Flit-flittery, chit-chittery,
singing a postcard home:
‘Summer is a helter-skelter ride
and the ocean sky a giant slide …’
This poem is copyright (©) Linda Middleton 2025

About the Writer
Linda Middleton
Linda lives in the south east of England and enjoys writing and performing poetry for children. Her work has appeared in anthologies and various print magazines and online journals. You can find some of her poems at The Caterpillar, Little Thoughts Press, Northern Gravy and Candlestick Press. In her spare time, she can be found walking through her local woods and watching wildlife.