Poetry News from the Balloon!
Newsflash Update ... the book promotion described below reached its target in one afternoon with fifty copies of the anthology ordered/donated to schools. We have put a temporary hold on book purchases until the packages can be posted and we have decided what to do with the remaining 50 books (that is, trying to find some way of getting them into schools). Thank you so much to all the folks who helped us with our efforts.
Hello Balloonists!
Jonathan here!
As many of you know, in November 2022, Chasing Clouds: Adventures in a Poetry Balloon was printed and released by Yorkshire Times Publishing.
Consisting of over eighty poems by sixty poets from around the world and illustrated by Em Humble, the book was launched to promote poetry for children, highlight the creative talents of our poets and raise some money for the National Literacy Trust.

Approaching the anniversary of the publication, our donation of £500 will be made to the National Literacy Trust in September and we would also like to announce a book promotion over the autumn term in time for Christmas.
We’re looking to give away books to schools nominated by people buying Chasing Clouds in the autumn term. Unfortunately this offer will only be open to purchases in the UK, as postage abroad makes it too expensive.
Any adult buying a book from the website shop between now and Christmas, can get in touch with me by e-mail (editor@dirigibleballoon.org) and nominate a primary school within the UK. We will then send, free of any other charge, four copies of our anthology to that school. So that’s five books for the price of one and kids in schools get the opportunity to read Chasing Clouds for free … can’t be bad!

This promotion will be available until we get down to our last 50 books or until the end of the autumn term 2023 and it will, of course, still be possible to buy Chasing Clouds without being involved in the autumn promotion.
Happy reading!
Editor of the Dirigible Balloon

This poem is copyright (©) Jonathan Humble 2025

About the Writer
Jonathan Humble
Jonathan lives in Cumbria. His work has been published online and in print in a number of magazines and anthologies. His first collection of poetry, My Camel's Name Is Brian, was published by TMB Books in 2015. His second poetry book, Fledge came out in 2020 through Maytree Press. His poems for children have been shortlisted and highly commended in the Caterpillar and Yorkmix poetry competitions and he is the editor of The Dirigible Balloon. His poems Masterclass and This Work is Done were chosen as the Milk House Poem of the Year at the end of 2022 and 2023.