Perfectly Imperfect Pumpkin
An unwanted pumpkin. I’m left on the ground.
Would I be carved if my body were round?
And If I were orange, instead of this green,
Would I be displayed, and not left unseen?
Who wants a pumpkin that’s covered in bumps?
All of my lumps have me down in the dumps.
I long for a candle to shine bright inside.
An enchanting glow and a magical guide.
Different carvings now light up the night
Except for one thing … no witch is in sight!
Witches are green. They are warty, not round.
Where is a pumpkin like that to be found?
Can it be? Yes, it's me they just picked from the vine!
Becoming a witch is a task where I'll shine.
Tonight as I sit on a porch with a candle.
I’m doing a job that no other can handle.
So no matter your figure, or flaws, or your hue,
It's fine to be different; be glad you are you!
Would I be carved if my body were round?
And If I were orange, instead of this green,
Would I be displayed, and not left unseen?
Who wants a pumpkin that’s covered in bumps?
All of my lumps have me down in the dumps.
I long for a candle to shine bright inside.
An enchanting glow and a magical guide.
Different carvings now light up the night
Except for one thing … no witch is in sight!
Witches are green. They are warty, not round.
Where is a pumpkin like that to be found?
Can it be? Yes, it's me they just picked from the vine!
Becoming a witch is a task where I'll shine.
Tonight as I sit on a porch with a candle.
I’m doing a job that no other can handle.
So no matter your figure, or flaws, or your hue,
It's fine to be different; be glad you are you!
This poem is copyright (©) Bri Lawyer 2025

About the Writer
Bri Lawyer
Bri is a former third-grade teacher with a Master's Degree in education turned stay-at-home mom pursuing a writing career. When Bri isn't writing, she can be found reading, playing games, dreaming about where to vacation next, or spending time with her husband and two littles. Bri has had winning entries in numerous writing contests including KidLit Vibes ‘23, Kids’ Choice ‘23, Valentiny '23, and an honorable mention in 50 Precious Words '23.