Paper Plane Poem
Let’s set the poems free
and share them around.
Send them places
they’re easily found.
What better way
for them to roam
than zinging through classrooms
as paper plane poems.
Read through a book
and find one to release.
On a clean sheet of paper
write it out neat.
When it’s all written down
fold your paper in half,
then crease two wings
for your poetry dart.
You can flick it to friends.
You can lob it at foes.
Let it fly through the window
and see where it goes.
If everyone did this
who knows what next?
A squadron of poems
might land on your desk!
and share them around.
Send them places
they’re easily found.
What better way
for them to roam
than zinging through classrooms
as paper plane poems.
Read through a book
and find one to release.
On a clean sheet of paper
write it out neat.
When it’s all written down
fold your paper in half,
then crease two wings
for your poetry dart.
You can flick it to friends.
You can lob it at foes.
Let it fly through the window
and see where it goes.
If everyone did this
who knows what next?
A squadron of poems
might land on your desk!
This poem is copyright (©) Kathryn Dove 2025

About the Writer
Kathryn Dove
Kathryn writes fiction and poetry for children. She enjoys the alchemy of poetry and seeing how a dash of imagination can transform ordinary life into something surprising and wonderful. She has lived in London and spent a summer working in a small village on the west coast of Scotland. Kathryn now lives with her family in Auckland, New Zealand.