The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Panic at Santa's Factory

Poor Santa was all in a flap,
with hundreds of presents to wrap.
Influenza had caused
the factory to pause,
and the Elves were taking a nap.

‘I’ll have to recruit all the gnomes.’
‘No way,’ said the Elves, ‘not the gnomes.
Their wrapping is poor,
they’ll drop them for sure.
Please, Santa, don’t ask the gnomes.’

Santa Claus waggled his head,
‘unless you find someone instead,
what else can I do
when you’ve all got the flu,
and you have to stay tucked up in bed?’

So, the Elves made a magical potion,
a potion to get them in motion.
The thought of the gnomes
packing presents for homes,
was certainly not the best notion!

They worked for a day and a night
and Santa helped out with their plight,
and before very long,
with hard work and a song,
they had the delivery in sight.

‘Thank-you,’ said Santa, at last.
‘My journey will have to be fast.
I must fly round the earth
for all I am worth,’
and he left with a flash and a blast.

As Santa flew off on his sleigh
the elves all shouted, ‘hooray!’
Then they started to cough
as the potion wore off
and slept their way through Christmas Day.

About the Writer

Val Harris

Val lives near Farnham in England. Her debut children’s poem was published online at The Dirigible Balloon, along with several others since then. Her poems have been published in The Caterpillar Magazine, Paperbound Magazine, The Toy Press and Little Thoughts Press. Her first poetry collection, A Classroom of Stars, was published at the end of 2022. She is @valpoet on Instagram and @dragontripper Val Poet on Twitter. Website: