The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Oolong Song

In Rambutan
where I belong
the lychees sing
an oolong song

The cantaloupes
at evensong
a coolongsong
which tells us all
to coo along
in ...

where I belong
and lychees sing
an oolong song

The Longon in
their pink sarongs
bamboozle those
from far Guangdong
who come to hear
their loolongsong
in ...

where I belong
and lychees sing
an oolongsong

The sweethearts woo
in woolongsong
and woolong on
the moon in throngs
while glockenspiels
for ...

where I belong
and lychees sing
an oolong song

The sails of sloops
are blue oblong
and fill with winds
of soolong song:
those sooloowooloo
winds blow strong
from ...

where I belong
and lychees sing
an oolong song

The woolen shawl
that I pull on
I silken-spooled
with oolong song
while weaving by
the bright Mekong
not ...

where I belong
and lychees sing
an oolong song

If I’m away
from home too long
I croon my too-
toolonggone song
which draws me back
to Rambutan
to ...

where I belong
and lychees sing
an oolong song

About the Writer

Fiona Russell Dodwell

Fianna (Fiona Russell Dodwell) loves writing for children. She has had children’s poems published in The Caterpillar, York Mix and Under the Basho. So far she has mainly written for adults – her first poems were published in Ink Sweat & Tears, and her most recent visual poetry has found homes in OSMOSIS and VOLT (USA). She enjoys composing visual poems with children from words generated during scrabble games