Some kids’ brains run like train tracks,
Some kids’ brains slip through cracks,
Some kids’ brains are eggshell frail,
Some kids make their brains a jail.
Brains can be pains,
Don’t sweat the how or why.
We can all get along just fine
If we neurodiversify.
Some kids’ minds hold information,
Others crave imagination,
Some kids wear their minds on faces,
Some kids’ minds seek empty spaces.
Be kind to your mind,
It is unique, so try.
We can all get along just fine
If we neurodiversify.
Some kids’ heads are always busy,
Some kids’ heads are slightly fizzy,
Some kids really love routines,
Other kids prefer to dream.
Don’t dread your head,
Open your mind’s eye.
We can all get along just fine
If we neurodiversify.
Some kids’ brains slip through cracks,
Some kids’ brains are eggshell frail,
Some kids make their brains a jail.
Brains can be pains,
Don’t sweat the how or why.
We can all get along just fine
If we neurodiversify.
Some kids’ minds hold information,
Others crave imagination,
Some kids wear their minds on faces,
Some kids’ minds seek empty spaces.
Be kind to your mind,
It is unique, so try.
We can all get along just fine
If we neurodiversify.
Some kids’ heads are always busy,
Some kids’ heads are slightly fizzy,
Some kids really love routines,
Other kids prefer to dream.
Don’t dread your head,
Open your mind’s eye.
We can all get along just fine
If we neurodiversify.
This poem is copyright (©) Emma Phillips 2025

About the Writer
Emma Phillips
Emma lives, teaches and writes in a small town in Devon. She has been writing poetry and stories for decades but this is her first work for children. When she is not daydreaming, she likes to eat crisps