The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

My Nan

Poem after My Mum by Peter Dixon

Listen to Kay reading her poem ...
My nan is a cosy, countryside cottage retreat-loving nan.
Always wear a smile and hold your head up high kind of nan.
My nan says if you see something you love, why not buy it, treat yourself, and have fun?
She is someone with a memory book, reminiscing and remembering her teenage years, school days and sometimes sad times.
My nan is a cup of tea, strawberries and cream paired perfectly with a sponge cake, a cinnamon bun, or a chocolate cream
eclair on a sunshine-filled afternoon.
My nan is a fan of films and theatre.
She always stops to notice nature, trees and wildflowers and draws them while we are standing there.
My nan is a green velvet shawl.
She treasures kind words and appreciativeness for her good deeds.
My nan taught me how to be happy.
When I was growing up, my nan was my hero and protector.
Today my nan stays the same and is a happy, carefree hero unafraid to chase away our worries and fears.
And I am proud to say I have been raised by my nan all these years.

About the Writer

Kay Medway

Kay works full-time in libraries and enjoys both reading and writing poetry in all of her free time. She has had poetry featured in a positive news local community zine called The Happy Hood. Kay has also written poetry regarding her family history stories for 60 Miles by Road or Rail in her local community.