The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

My House Choir

Oh in my house there live six dogs
Some shiny gold, some black
Racing, chasing
And when they sing, their voices ring
Their barks come echoing back

Oh in my house there live twelve mice
Just tiny blurs of grey
Quiv’ring, shiv’ring
Their whiskers twitch, notes all high-pitch
They scratch and squeak all day

Oh in my house there live eight cats
Black, ginger, stripey, white
Sleeping, peeping
They lick their fur and purr their purr
And yowl and miaow all night

Oh in my house there lives an owl
Who always knows the tune
Watching, waiting
Then when her beak begins to speak
She’s hooting to the moon

Oh yes of course I live here too
With piano and guitar
Tenor, alto
Soprano, bass in sound’s embrace
We call it My House Choir

About the Writer

David Thompson

David had a long career in translation, editing, interpreting and publishing with the United Nations in New York and Bangkok and then with WHO in Geneva, returning to live in England some years ago. He wrote his first poetry collection (Days of Dark and Light: Recent Poems, Hobnob Press, 2021) mostly during lockdown. His second collection (Where The Love Is) was published by Hobnob Press in 2023.