My Hair My Brilliance
If I brush my hair, again and again
It shines and reflects hours and hours
hair and oils combining, glistening
layering and fluffing superpowers
If I brush my hair ten more times
my friends will squint and blink and stare
see my tangle-free worry-free hair
sparkling, shining, puffed with flair
If I brush my hair another fifty
It will shimmer, twinkle, dazzle,
through astronauts portal windows
a gleaming, sparkling, light that travels
If I brush my hair one hundred more
My hair will beam, be gleaming bright
for outer space and alien races
shooting rays of dazzling light
If I brush my hair I’ll activate
a gleaming, sparkling, twinkling, sight
intergalactic illuminating light
My brilliance sparkles morning and night!
It shines and reflects hours and hours
hair and oils combining, glistening
layering and fluffing superpowers
If I brush my hair ten more times
my friends will squint and blink and stare
see my tangle-free worry-free hair
sparkling, shining, puffed with flair
If I brush my hair another fifty
It will shimmer, twinkle, dazzle,
through astronauts portal windows
a gleaming, sparkling, light that travels
If I brush my hair one hundred more
My hair will beam, be gleaming bright
for outer space and alien races
shooting rays of dazzling light
If I brush my hair I’ll activate
a gleaming, sparkling, twinkling, sight
intergalactic illuminating light
My brilliance sparkles morning and night!
This poem is copyright (©) D. Eric Herrington 2025

About the Writer
D. Eric Herrington
Eric received an Honorable Mention for a YA flash fiction, Year 2050, in the #KidLitChoiceAward March 2023. He was interviewed in the Little Elm Journal for volunteer STEAM activities and received a TX PTA Honorary Life Membership Award. Eric taught an energized 5th-grade ELA class, watched crumpled paper recycle bin shots, played basketball and soccer in college, holds a B.S. and Th.M, and is an adjunct professor of Mathematics. Herrington is a member of SCBWI.