The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

My Best Friend is an Alien

My best friend is an alien
with skin as blue as sky.
He’s got no nose, a tiny mouth
and one big orange eye.

We run around the garden.
We jump and hop and play.
We both love Tig and Hide and Seek –
the time just flies away.

I cannot speak his language
and he cannot speak mine
but we can make each other laugh
so get along just fine.

We’re different from each other
in every way there is
but he knows that he’s my best friend
and I know that I’m his.

About the Writer

Charlotte Oliver

Charlotte Oliver lives by the sea in Yorkshire. Her work has been published widely and heard on BBC Radio 4's Front Row. She is an Ilkley Literature Festival New Northern Poet 2023, was Spoken Word Power 2024 Lead Artist for Scarborough and Festival Poet for Big Ideas by the Sea 2024. Her pamphlet, How To Be A Dressing Gown, is published by Dreich.